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Church Interior

What We Believe

What We Believe About God

We believe in a God who loves His creation. One who is not removed or distant from humanity, but who is intimately connected and concerned with every facet of each individual person. We believe that for centuries, all sorts of people from all walks of life have been able to experience the love of this God through an encounter with the resurrected Jesus Christ. We embrace the existence of a triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who constantly and persistently proclaims throughout time and space, "I am with you, I am for you, and I love you," and we desire to echo this message of love to each and every person we meet.

What We Believe About the Bible

We believe that the Bible is the true, living, life-giving Word of God. We believe that it is literally Jesus on paper, in black, white, and red. We believe that reading the Bible daily is completely necessary for living a Godly life. We believe that the Bible is the lamp unto our feet and the light unto our path written about in Psalm 119. We cannot stress enough the importance we place on the Word of God. It is our foundation, what we build our lives on, our daily bread, what satisfies and sustains us, and the living water, what restores and refreshes our soul. The Word of God is also how we distinguish what is true from what is not. The Bible is truly God's love letter to His people, the way He desires for us to live, and the perfect, infallible Word of God.

What We Believe About Salvation

Jesus Christ is the Author and Finisher of our faith. Salvation would not be possible without the sacrifice of Jesus through His crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. His body was broken and His blood was poured out for the redemption of mankind, which allowed for reunification with the Father. All who call upon the Name of Jesus, believe He is the Son of God, who bore our iniquities and transgressions on the cross, and confess their sins shall be saved from spiritual death and damnation and reconciled to God. This is the beginning of the second life, a recreated life in Christ Jesus, where the "old man" has passed away, and all things are made new.

What We Believe About Christianity

Christianity is not something you do. It is a way of life. Because the word Christian literally means "Christ-like" it is imperative to understand that a Christian is someone who represents Jesus Christ through word and deed each day and in each moment to the best of his ability. Jesus loved everyone, gave Himself for them, met their needs, preached the Kingdom of Heaven, proclaimed the good news of God, freed the captives, healed the sick, delivered the oppressed, and so much more. The job of a Christian is the same. We should be the good news in the earth, the salt of the earth, the light of the world. We should be pointing people to Jesus through what we say and what we do. The beginning of a Christian life starts at salvation, but to maintain a Christian life, one must embrace the teachings and way of Jesus by studying His Word, praying daily, and walking out a lifestyle similar to the life of Jesus Christ.

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